Tuesday, January 17, 2012

One year Already?!

Well it's official... Elder Chase Coy Stewart has been out 1 whole year this Thursday, January 19th 2012.

WOW, big week last week, and a big week this next week CRAZY.

So just to give you a little low down of evrything that happened. we will
start with last monday

MONDAY 9th- Pday today. We were going to play golf this day, but other
elders talked us out of it so we can play this next week(today). So instead
we played a little basketball, and then we were going to go play tennis,
andthey told me it opened at 3, but we ran there and they dont open until 5
or 6 every night, so we cant play o well. Then we just had some great
family home evenings that night

TUESDAY 10th- Well we were going to district meeting on a bus, an we missed
a call from a member lady in the ward, ususally she calls us with news, or
stuff like that. But we didnt think much of that. Then the zone leaders get
on the bus, and tell us the news that our ward mission leader Obispo
Gonzalez had died. That sucked to hear. But after a few phone calls,
we found out it wasnt Obispo Gonzalez that died, it was actually an
OLD member. But it was still sad because it was Brother Gonzalez, and
me and my comp were the only people that visisted them, and we did
every week. They were just like my grandparents here in Paraguay. He
helped me out alot, he will be missed. I just feel bad for his wife...

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