Monday, January 30, 2012

The lion tamer has been dunked

Hello family and friends, how is everything going

Yes, the Lion tamer has been dunked hahaha

Man it has been a long but great journey with him. We met him just
clapping houses with Elder Edwards the 11th of November, and
everything was going good. Then Elder Allphin came and we just kept
teaching him. He always said that he had to many responsibilities, and
was to old to get baptized (he is 64). But with the Lords help, he
finally realized the importance of baptism, and ya it happened.รง

It was a crazy week with him though. He had everything, he just said
that he needed to decide, that is what he was missing. But we talked
alot about him at District meeting and came up with a plan. We did
divisions this day, and Elder Clark from Las Vegas came with me to my
area. We just went in to his house and with as much confidence as we
had, and through the spirit we spiritually dropped the cane on him,
and it worked, he decided he was ready!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really am strengthening my testimony everyday on the power of
prayer, and power of faith. More than three times these last three
weeks we have gone to the lion tamers house (his name is Luis Jara
Rios), but we went there and he wasnt there. But we needed to talk to
him, so we went to another appointment, and when we came back, with
all the faith that we had, we asked God for a miracle in a prayer, and
then, he was always there.

The biggest miracle that we saw, was whenhe had a big soccer
tournament last weekend, and he was on a contract (yes for being 64 he
is in incredible shape), but he said that he couldnt miss this
tournament, but when we put our confidence in the lord, and prayed
with all our hearts without ceasing, the lord blessed us with a
miracle. Luis found a replacement and was able to stay here and get
baptized and confirmed

It was an amazing journey with him, and probably one of the most
spiritual baptism services ever. He really wanted both of us to
baptize and confirm him, but it doesnt work like that, so my companion
got his chance to baptize his first adult, he was super excited about
that. I was able to confirm him.

Well, i love the mission, i am growing to love it more and more
everyday, i just wish it would slow down a little. They arent kidding
when they say your second year flies by even faster than the first.

I love you guys and thank you for your support.

Love Elder Chase Coy Stewart

PS. Go get them Elder Warner, Poston ,and Burton love u guys

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