Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Hola todo

Wow, talk about a tough tough week, it was pretty tough for the whole district, but only through challenges and difficulties, can we be made stronger. This week was filled with alot of downs, but alot of ups to.

We didnt have the baptism this week, because the kid went to visit his parents all week, but he should get back today, and that means that him, maybe his nephews, and Daniel will be getting baptized this week. We are so very excited for all them, and this week is going to be great.

We are again having a hard time finding lessons to teach, we have some incredible investigators that will be getting baptized this week, but their are tons of others that are just so and so, they really arent progressing, so we will be leaving alot of investigators and just starting from new. But we are really excited, and me and my comp are so close, sp we can really work pretty well together.

I cant believe that this change is almost half way over, it really is true when they say that the more time you have in the mission, the faster the time goes. It is going by incredibly fast, and I cant believe it. I am just enjoying it to darn much, and love the spirit of the Lord I have, I am now learning what everyone was saying when they said it was hard to end their mission, I honestly dont. I am loving it to darn much. I cant believe thgat I almost have 10 months already, wowwwww.

This ward is incredible, trhis area is incredible, the district is incredible, these investigators are incredible, there is absolutely no reason to complain at all. I love life. I have the 3 best friends in the world who although are in different parts of the world, they are all experiencing the same joy as I am, which is bringing souls unto Christ. I have the most incredible family, who I will be with for the eternity. There is no reason to complain, yes the week might of been slow and hard, but I am the most blessed person ith the world.

Love you all

Love Elder Chase Coy Stewart

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