Monday, November 21, 2011

ahhh Paraguay

Well, I finally got over my sickness on tuesday or wednesday, and could finally work 100 percent again. But then yesterday morning(sunday), at about 1 o clock in the morning, i woke up puking again. But we went to church anyways, because we had the sacrament to partake of, and also a confirmation. My body hurt soo bad after church, that I couldnt even stand. I went home and slept all day. All day I had the double dragon ( if you dont know what this means, ask someone that has served their mission in a 3rd world country). Also with the worst body aches ever (from being completely dehydrated, because I couldnt keep anything in me), and a fever of 102. It wasnt that fun. But the good news is that I am feeling ALOT better today. So we will see what happens.

But this week, we had a baptism of Alcides. It was awesome, and an incredibly spiritual experience. He is a stud, now i just hope that his family will follow his example. His nephew (Rodney, who is 13 also), when asked how he felt after the baptism of his uncle alcides, said "I felt like I should of been doing it too:" So he already has acouple of assistants to the church, so we will try getting his moms permission, and then baptize him this week or the next week.

Our recent convert Daniel, is going to be moving here soon. His sister came home from being in the chaco for 4 months, and she hates our church, well she hates every church that isnt hers. She found daniels white shirt that we gave him, and told him that if he continues with this church, she is going to throw him out of the house. So, he is going to move back to ciudad del este, but he said he would continue attending church there.

Today, i recieved a letter from the family Martinez. I dont know if you remember them, they were the family from my first area, and we baptized the daughter Edith, the son Javier, and the mom (she is the one that cant walk, she is paralyzed ion the left side.) But they were telling me how they were still really actve, and right now, there dad is having the discussions, and they really want him to be baptized. They were saying how they 3 went to the temple, and how it felt like paradise. They are so excited to be sealed as an eternal family, and I hope he gets baptized soon, so that i can go to their sealing in one year!!!! He is attending church every week, i dont know why he doesnt get baptized

Reasons like this make me love the work

I love you guys

Loce Elder Chase Coy Stewart

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