Monday, November 28, 2011

November 28th 2011

I am feeling tons better, and that is completely the truth. I am back to 100 percent, I just cant eat as much food now, and the sun is killingme, but what can you do. It has been so hot, i dont know if i will be able to survive, i want nice cold snowy wintery weather of Idaho again, hahahaha.

As far as thanksgiving goes, we didnt do anything. I made some stuffing which was pretty good. It wasnt anything like grandmas or mammas, but as far as doing it by myself, it was pretty darn good. But now we are just getting for a boiling christmas, i guess here, they just light off fireworks all night, and sleep all day, there is no gifts here, and not even that much to do with christ, it is kind of sas, but it is just the great apostasy at work........

Transfers are in two days, and i will find out tonight. I am pretty sure that i am going to stay, and my comp is leaving. I think that i will just continue being district leader, and there are tons of news coming, so i might even train again, but we will see, i am ready for whatever happens.

This week has been great as far as teaching goes... Me and my comp wanted to make this last week together, an amazing one. So we worked our tail ends off, and it really payed off as far as finding news, and inviting all to be baptized. We have 9 people with a baptismal date right now, which is pretty darn cool.

Life is great, i just got a little home sick with thanksgfiving, and i dont think being away for christmas will be any better, but what can you do, if i cant be with my family, i would want to be serving the Lord, and that is exactly what i am doing yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well love you guys, and dont worry about me, i am alot better, no more raw cake batter for me ahahhaha. And i will let you know next week what happens with transfers

love elder Stewart

Monday, November 21, 2011

ahhh Paraguay

Well, I finally got over my sickness on tuesday or wednesday, and could finally work 100 percent again. But then yesterday morning(sunday), at about 1 o clock in the morning, i woke up puking again. But we went to church anyways, because we had the sacrament to partake of, and also a confirmation. My body hurt soo bad after church, that I couldnt even stand. I went home and slept all day. All day I had the double dragon ( if you dont know what this means, ask someone that has served their mission in a 3rd world country). Also with the worst body aches ever (from being completely dehydrated, because I couldnt keep anything in me), and a fever of 102. It wasnt that fun. But the good news is that I am feeling ALOT better today. So we will see what happens.

But this week, we had a baptism of Alcides. It was awesome, and an incredibly spiritual experience. He is a stud, now i just hope that his family will follow his example. His nephew (Rodney, who is 13 also), when asked how he felt after the baptism of his uncle alcides, said "I felt like I should of been doing it too:" So he already has acouple of assistants to the church, so we will try getting his moms permission, and then baptize him this week or the next week.

Our recent convert Daniel, is going to be moving here soon. His sister came home from being in the chaco for 4 months, and she hates our church, well she hates every church that isnt hers. She found daniels white shirt that we gave him, and told him that if he continues with this church, she is going to throw him out of the house. So, he is going to move back to ciudad del este, but he said he would continue attending church there.

Today, i recieved a letter from the family Martinez. I dont know if you remember them, they were the family from my first area, and we baptized the daughter Edith, the son Javier, and the mom (she is the one that cant walk, she is paralyzed ion the left side.) But they were telling me how they were still really actve, and right now, there dad is having the discussions, and they really want him to be baptized. They were saying how they 3 went to the temple, and how it felt like paradise. They are so excited to be sealed as an eternal family, and I hope he gets baptized soon, so that i can go to their sealing in one year!!!! He is attending church every week, i dont know why he doesnt get baptized

Reasons like this make me love the work

I love you guys

Loce Elder Chase Coy Stewart

Monday, November 14, 2011

Photo's baby!

More Photos!!!

Pictures of book of mormon in spanish, english, and guarani. And pictures of a dog we saw that looks like a lion ahahahhaha

hummm.....​...well we had a baptism

Wow, this week has finally got to me. It has been a downer week, with alot of disapointments, and the constant rain since sunday morning hasn´t helped, and the constant throwing up since saturday morning hasnt really helped either.

I always make a cake for the baptisms, and when i was making the cake on friday night, I ate a little of the raw batter, with raw eggs. So ever since that next morning, I havent been able to keep anything in me. Yesterday after I took the sacrament, I felt tons better, and I was able to eat a little lunch. But when I woke up again this morning, the vomiting was back......... ughhhh. WELCOME TO PARAGUAY...

Plus the rain on sunday didnt really help. We had tons and tons of investigators that were commited to come to church, but with the rain it was impossible. Hardly any members even came. We usually have 90 or so people that are in church, but this week, we had about 55. But what can you do. It was just sad, because we had tons with baptismal dates, but they all fell. And it was the same with all the district. But we can only improve and get better right??

Well, looking on the bright side, we did have the baptism and confirmation of Daniel this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is such a stud. The only problem with him, is that his neighbors and sister absolutely hate us. They are always telling him to burn our stuff, and not talk to us. But he knows this church is true, he has a strong testimony. How many people do you know that have gone from drinking 10 or so cups of coffee a day, to absolutely none the next day, after we taught the word of wisdom??? I know of one, and tyhat is daniel. He is going to be a future leader in the church.

Also, there is alcides, we were planning on his baptism this last week, but his birthday was this last week, and he was going to go to his home 2 and a half hours away, to be with his parents (he lives with his sister here). So we are planning his baptism this next saturday. Hopefully his sister will come and see his baptism, and then let her kids be baptized, because they want to be baptized. Lets see what will happen...huh?

Well the highlights of the week, were finding a family that speaks English. We actually only taught the son, but it was my first lesson here in Paraguay that I have taught 100 percent in english. He is awesome, super busy along with his family, but he accepted a baptismal date, but it fell because he didnt come to church. Our problem bnow is going to be finding him, but if he has enough time, I know he will get baptized, and then his family.

Well, they dont have thanksgiving here, but we are sure going to celebrate it. We are going to do a turkey and everything with amember family. Me and my comp will still be together, until the 30th of november.

Love you all, and I hope you are enjoying the snow, I sure aint enjoying the heat and rain hahahah.

Happy Hunting Season

Love Elder Chase Coy Stewart

Here are some pictures of a scorpion that we found in the baptismal font, and also the baptism of Daniel. Our ward mission leader baptized him, and we had only 7 men there in total including us, but it was the most spiritual baptism I have hgad

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Hola todo

Wow, talk about a tough tough week, it was pretty tough for the whole district, but only through challenges and difficulties, can we be made stronger. This week was filled with alot of downs, but alot of ups to.

We didnt have the baptism this week, because the kid went to visit his parents all week, but he should get back today, and that means that him, maybe his nephews, and Daniel will be getting baptized this week. We are so very excited for all them, and this week is going to be great.

We are again having a hard time finding lessons to teach, we have some incredible investigators that will be getting baptized this week, but their are tons of others that are just so and so, they really arent progressing, so we will be leaving alot of investigators and just starting from new. But we are really excited, and me and my comp are so close, sp we can really work pretty well together.

I cant believe that this change is almost half way over, it really is true when they say that the more time you have in the mission, the faster the time goes. It is going by incredibly fast, and I cant believe it. I am just enjoying it to darn much, and love the spirit of the Lord I have, I am now learning what everyone was saying when they said it was hard to end their mission, I honestly dont. I am loving it to darn much. I cant believe thgat I almost have 10 months already, wowwwww.

This ward is incredible, trhis area is incredible, the district is incredible, these investigators are incredible, there is absolutely no reason to complain at all. I love life. I have the 3 best friends in the world who although are in different parts of the world, they are all experiencing the same joy as I am, which is bringing souls unto Christ. I have the most incredible family, who I will be with for the eternity. There is no reason to complain, yes the week might of been slow and hard, but I am the most blessed person ith the world.

Love you all

Love Elder Chase Coy Stewart