1 Me by a sign here
2 The food i ate for 4th of july
3 4 5 Us and a moto that was sitting inside the chapel. Ya we look for any exscuse to take a picture
Well fam and friends, like siempre it has been a purete week in Presidente Franco.
I dont have too much time, i have been ocupado sending fotos and stuff, but i will lightly review some of the sweet things that happended this week.
Well we had interviews on wednesday, and it was actually really really sweet. We only have interviews every 3 months, so i wanted to take advantage of it. I got some things cleared up with President, and we also talke about grandpa. And also how I really need to prepare my self these next couple of weeks for changes. That is all i am going to say. But he gave me some sweet suggestions of how i can improve myself as a missionary. And then afterwards, we went to Pizza hut (the 4 elders from Presidente Franco) and had all u can eat pizza for 19 mil or like 4 dollars. We ate like 11 pieces each. I am not sure if my favorite was the Hot Dog pizza or the corn pizza. hahaha but really. they have those types here.
Other than this, we had an open house on friday, where we planned on showing nonmembers our church. We planned really big for this, and were hoping for alot of people. We did have quite a few members there, but only 4 investigators. So that kind of stunk. But anyways, we did have a baptism during it, it was a niƱo discreto, or in other words, an 8 year old kid whos mom is a member, so it didnt count as a number. But it was still good to show the investigators. My favorite part was the food. We had tons of food, but ya, I also like the juice. Two big old things of juice they made, but my stomach did some flips when i saw that they made the juice in the same buckets we used earlier that day to mop the church. Ughhhh. U got to love paraguay.
And then on tuesday, we had the baptism of Hugo. He is a sweet guy. Very very inteligent. He has been shopping around churches trying to find the true church, and he seemed to have found it. He says this is the first church that lets him play his sports and teach Karate. So he was jazzed with that. But we found him, and started teaching him, and 3 weeks later he was baptized. He is a stud. He didnt show up to church yesterday though because of the stupid rain. So he hasnt got confirmed yet.Here in paraguay when it rains, nobody comes anywhere. We had all 14 people in the Ward yes not even a branch yesterday. Stinkin rain. And at Hugos baptism we had only 10 people there. Including 4 missionaries, the bishop, Hugo, an ivestigator, and a member with her 2 kids. O well. WEhat can u do.
And then yesterday, it rained so hard and so long. Worst rain i have ever seen. But it was ok. We actually found 5 new investigators yesterday, so that was sweet. We came home literally soaked. It was no different than just jumping in a pool with our missionary clothes on. Luckily i had the brains to steal Elder Merrills umbrella so that was nice. I atleast kept my hear dry. Hahah. So we spent all last night drying our stuff out, including my companions bible and bom and camera. Ya i was smart enough to put them in plastic bags. But si asi es. This was our week, and i dont know how i am going to celebrate my 6 month mark tomorrow. Ya can u believe it 6 months ya. But we are going into centro today to buy some stuff, and hopefully swing by McDonalds.
Bah ta bah ta da, Im loving it
Con amor de Paraguay
Elder Stewart
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