Sunday, July 10, 2011

Happy 4th of July

Wazz up wazz up wazz up. Happy 4th of Julio
Life has been going great here in Presidente Franco, but for some reason I am just down in the dumps today.

I aint really home sick, i have just been struggling a little bit with homesickness. Haha. But ya, my comp is always talking about home, so that doesnt help, plus it is the 4th of July so that doesnt help. You guys are all celebrating in the 90 degree Idaho weather, and i am here in the 0 degrees celcius humid paraguayan weather, so that doesnt help. Hahaha jk, but really it is pretty dang cold. I did buy some gloves and a sweater, so thanks for the mula mama. I spent all morning reading the condulances from grandpas funeral, so that definently doesnt help. Ughhhh I miss him so much.

But anyways, the past weeks here in Pres Franco have been good I guess. The freezing cold and the pounding rain really impeed the work though. O well. We are trying. We do have 3 people with fecha for the 16th of julio. They are all awesome, and i know they will get baptized. But, besides these three, we dont really have any investigators. We have been struggling with finding lately. Nobody wants to come out of their house in the freezing cold, but i guess it is always like this. I hope you guys enjoy ur 4th of July, what are ur plans??? We dont have cool plans at all. Just finish emailing, and then go buy groceries, and then chill at home. Wahoooo

Most o f the time, like 90 percent, we just eat in our house like potatoes and eggs and rice and bread and ramen noodles, pretty good, but it gets kind of boring. We did eat at pizza hut last week, that was pretty dang good. We went to centro (center of ciudad del este) last week, and bought some winter stuff. Centro is so crazy, there are just people everywhere and shops everywhere, they are all selling all kinds of stuff, and I bet mst of it is stolen stuff. But it was kind of fun bargaining with them. But usually they try to rip us off because we are a bunch of americans in a whiteshirt and tie. Hahahah it was pretty fun.

I am glad you guys are doing good, i am doing awesome too. I just miss home and america so much. But somehow i am going to find a way to celebrate today. We kind of celebrated today when we were walking to the cyber by throwing popits at dogs and stuff. Ok ok, i didnt but elder merrill was, he has a bunch of popits and those are our fireworks. So watching him throw popits at dogs was our firework show for the day. haha

Well sorry i am so boring, i am just out of it today, i am homesick, and cold and tired and have a sorethroat. Man, i am just a big ole complainer aint I. Haha well love you guys, and suerte con todo.

Con Amor de Presidente Franco
Elder Stewart
Ps more photos

1 me and the boat i made
2me and my pizza
3 me and my pizza again
5 us and our pizza hut. we each got our own pizza
4 us on a bridge at centro

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