2 Stuff I burned, this tie was dead
6 pic behind the house
7 me and Hugo San
I honestly dont know how to spell Ro Hay Hu, but it means I love You in Guarani. So everyone says ro hay hu paraguay. Which means, I love you paraguay. And man we were sure saying that alot this last week. Especially for the big Final Copa America game that Paraguay had yesterday against Uraguay. O we played so so well. But I guess our star player, our goalie got red carded or something so he didnt even get to play in the last game, so we ended up losing 0-3. Man, our last win against venezuela, the streets were crazy with drunk people everywhere and cars with the Paraguay flag attatched to it. Screaming and singing, it was crazy, but at the same time awesome. Fireworks going off al night. They are definently crazy about
their futbol. But then on saturday night they were the same way, they were all getting excited for their big game on sunday. All wearing their red and white paraguay jerseys with their paraguayan flags. But then sunday rolls around. we actually had 50 people at church, even though like 10 of them were from the stake talking about EFY. And yes they do have EFY here, in 2010 it was in argentina, in 2011 it was in Uraguay, and in Enero de 2012 va a estar in Paraguay. So this is actually a huge event. But anyways, we then tried to set up appointments for after church, but everyone rejected us because of the game. Hahah. But anyways then we went home through the parades of red and white and ate some sunday dinner. I actually ate fried papas with eggs with bread and jam, yummy. Then we started hearing fireworks again for the pre show. Then we got a call from our zone leaders saying that in their area there are people out in the streets with guns and shooting them randomly into the air. So they told us that we could just stay in our houses and study and go out and work. We stayed in and studied. But it was weird because during the whole game, we never heard any fireworks, saw any random parades in the street, or here any yelliung and cheeringin rhe streets. So we knew something was up. Then we finally left the house, and the whole country was silent. it was very very weird. There was no parades, no fireworks, not even dogs barking. When we got to our first cita, they told us about the score and they were really down in the dumps. But ya. And then our next four citas all fell through, because the people were there, they just didnt want to open the doors for us because they were so depressed. It wasnt that good of a day o well
The rest of the week was pretty good. But, we are just so nervous for changes, we have absolutely no idea of what is going to happen. We should either know tonight or tomorrow. Vamos a ver. So I will let u guys know next week.
We are just going into centro right now to buy some stuff and celebrate our last pday together.
I love u guys and will talk to u next week
Con amor de Paraguay
Elder Chase Coy Stewart