Monday, July 25, 2011

Roh Hay Hu Paraguay

1 Me and Hugo and members
2 Stuff I burned, this tie was dead
3,4,5 Me burning my tie
6 pic behind the house
7 me and Hugo San

I honestly dont know how to spell Ro Hay Hu, but it means I love You in Guarani. So everyone says ro hay hu paraguay. Which means, I love you paraguay. And man we were sure saying that alot this last week. Especially for the big Final Copa America game that Paraguay had yesterday against Uraguay. O we played so so well. But I guess our star player, our goalie got red carded or something so he didnt even get to play in the last game, so we ended up losing 0-3. Man, our last win against venezuela, the streets were crazy with drunk people everywhere and cars with the Paraguay flag attatched to it. Screaming and singing, it was crazy, but at the same time awesome. Fireworks going off al night. They are definently crazy about
their futbol. But then on saturday night they were the same way, they were all getting excited for their big game on sunday. All wearing their red and white paraguay jerseys with their paraguayan flags. But then sunday rolls around. we actually had 50 people at church, even though like 10 of them were from the stake talking about EFY. And yes they do have EFY here, in 2010 it was in argentina, in 2011 it was in Uraguay, and in Enero de 2012 va a estar in Paraguay. So this is actually a huge event. But anyways, we then tried to set up appointments for after church, but everyone rejected us because of the game. Hahah. But anyways then we went home through the parades of red and white and ate some sunday dinner. I actually ate fried papas with eggs with bread and jam, yummy. Then we started hearing fireworks again for the pre show. Then we got a call from our zone leaders saying that in their area there are people out in the streets with guns and shooting them randomly into the air. So they told us that we could just stay in our houses and study and go out and work. We stayed in and studied. But it was weird because during the whole game, we never heard any fireworks, saw any random parades in the street, or here any yelliung and cheeringin rhe streets. So we knew something was up. Then we finally left the house, and the whole country was silent. it was very very weird. There was no parades, no fireworks, not even dogs barking. When we got to our first cita, they told us about the score and they were really down in the dumps. But ya. And then our next four citas all fell through, because the people were there, they just didnt want to open the doors for us because they were so depressed. It wasnt that good of a day o well

The rest of the week was pretty good. But, we are just so nervous for changes, we have absolutely no idea of what is going to happen. We should either know tonight or tomorrow. Vamos a ver. So I will let u guys know next week.

We are just going into centro right now to buy some stuff and celebrate our last pday together.

I love u guys and will talk to u next week

Con amor de Paraguay

Elder Chase Coy Stewart

Monday, July 18, 2011

Mas Fotos

Pictures of us and Hugo-San and his baptism. I was able to baptize him. And we only call him Hugo San because he teaches Karate so we through on the San part to make him sound more like a karate instructor haha. One of the pics is with me him a member and her kids and another member chick.

Also here is a pic of me and my comp coming back from asuncion. He was totally out so i posed with a few pics with him


1 Me by a sign here
2 The food i ate for 4th of july
3 4 5 Us and a moto that was sitting inside the chapel. Ya we look for any exscuse to take a picture

Well fam and friends, like siempre it has been a purete week in Presidente Franco.

I dont have too much time, i have been ocupado sending fotos and stuff, but i will lightly review some of the sweet things that happended this week.

Well we had interviews on wednesday, and it was actually really really sweet. We only have interviews every 3 months, so i wanted to take advantage of it. I got some things cleared up with President, and we also talke about grandpa. And also how I really need to prepare my self these next couple of weeks for changes. That is all i am going to say. But he gave me some sweet suggestions of how i can improve myself as a missionary. And then afterwards, we went to Pizza hut (the 4 elders from Presidente Franco) and had all u can eat pizza for 19 mil or like 4 dollars. We ate like 11 pieces each. I am not sure if my favorite was the Hot Dog pizza or the corn pizza. hahaha but really. they have those types here.

Other than this, we had an open house on friday, where we planned on showing nonmembers our church. We planned really big for this, and were hoping for alot of people. We did have quite a few members there, but only 4 investigators. So that kind of stunk. But anyways, we did have a baptism during it, it was a niño discreto, or in other words, an 8 year old kid whos mom is a member, so it didnt count as a number. But it was still good to show the investigators. My favorite part was the food. We had tons of food, but ya, I also like the juice. Two big old things of juice they made, but my stomach did some flips when i saw that they made the juice in the same buckets we used earlier that day to mop the church. Ughhhh. U got to love paraguay.

And then on tuesday, we had the baptism of Hugo. He is a sweet guy. Very very inteligent. He has been shopping around churches trying to find the true church, and he seemed to have found it. He says this is the first church that lets him play his sports and teach Karate. So he was jazzed with that. But we found him, and started teaching him, and 3 weeks later he was baptized. He is a stud. He didnt show up to church yesterday though because of the stupid rain. So he hasnt got confirmed yet.Here in paraguay when it rains, nobody comes anywhere. We had all 14 people in the Ward yes not even a branch yesterday. Stinkin rain. And at Hugos baptism we had only 10 people there. Including 4 missionaries, the bishop, Hugo, an ivestigator, and a member with her 2 kids. O well. WEhat can u do.

And then yesterday, it rained so hard and so long. Worst rain i have ever seen. But it was ok. We actually found 5 new investigators yesterday, so that was sweet. We came home literally soaked. It was no different than just jumping in a pool with our missionary clothes on. Luckily i had the brains to steal Elder Merrills umbrella so that was nice. I atleast kept my hear dry. Hahah. So we spent all last night drying our stuff out, including my companions bible and bom and camera. Ya i was smart enough to put them in plastic bags. But si asi es. This was our week, and i dont know how i am going to celebrate my 6 month mark tomorrow. Ya can u believe it 6 months ya. But we are going into centro today to buy some stuff, and hopefully swing by McDonalds.

Bah ta bah ta da, Im loving it

Con amor de Paraguay
Elder Stewart

Monday, July 11, 2011


Well, another pday here in presidente franco. I honestly cant believe that we have changes again in like two weeks. Time is literally flying bye.

So i dont know, it has kind of been a crazy yet normal week here in Paraguay. And we are expecting another crazy week. So, the good news, is that I got my package from The kids. Thanks so much. I didnt realize how much it costs to send a package. so sorry for that. But i am really enjoying it.

Also randomly one night this week, we got a call from the office elders saying that we need to come to Asuncion so my comp could sign some visa papers. So that was pretty fun. 6 hour bus trip there and spent like 1 hour signing papers, and then 6 hour bus trip back. So that was a pretty fun road trip. And we left at 12 o clock at night. So the trip was just me and my comp, with alot of sleep and talking. It was actually pretty fun.

But us four elders that live by eachother, we are always up chatting, and it is a blast. I love living with other elders. It just seems like home or college where we can just chat and share opinions and stuff. So that is pretty fun.

Man, I hate paraguayan computers.

But anyways, we were going to have 2 baptisms this week, but the two girls are traveling to asuncion with their mom for like two weeks, so that stinks. So we will have to postpone that a little bit.

But, todavia, we havent gone to the waterfalls in our area. We were going to go today, but my companion doesnt want to walk. One of these pdays i will make him. So today, we are just emailing and then going to centro, and maybe eat a lil Burger King yum.

But we have interviews this wednesday, and I am pretty excited about that. I want to talk to President about some things in my life and ya, I am excited.

Yesterday we talked in church. I love how the Paraguayans lie here, it makes me feel so good. I prepared like a 15 minute talk on humility in spanish, and then the guy said i had like 8 minutes to give it. So i get up slaughter my talk, but yet everyone said i gave a beautiful talk, i dont know how it could be awesome if i didnt even understand it. Whatever.

So you saw Garrett and Katy? How are they, I am so excited for Garrett to get out here in the field and do the work of the lord. Also, i am pretty sure that Elder ty poston leaves for mexico either today or tomorrow. I am pretty jazzed for that.

I guess i better wish my favorite Brother Tyler a happy birthday. I know it isnt for like 3 days, but still. Man he is old 26. Bueno, feliz cumpleaños mi hermanito. Ojala que toda será buenísimo con esta día, el catorce. Yo estoy muy agradecido para ti. Eres mi ejemplo, y algún día, yo quiero ser como tu. Pero, voy a intentar a escribirle una carta en español. Mi español esta mejorando se, pero todavía me falta mucho. Pero sé que el don de lenguas es verdad, y con paciencia voy a recibirle. Te amo y stay sweet.

Well anyways, I better get going. I love you all a bunch and hope all is well (especially with the holes in Trasens stomach, and stephs new car, and the downstairs of our house, and ya).

Con amor de Presidente Franco Paraguay (/almost brazil)
Elder Stewart

p.s i was too lazy to send photos this week sorry

Sunday, July 10, 2011

More Pictures!!


One thing Elder Chase Stewart is REALLY good at is taking pictures... Enjoy =)

1.Me pretending to climb a huge cliff (these cliffs are where they get the rock to make the empadrada roads)
2 Takin fotos of the river
3 More foto taking in the jungle
4 The river, just right above it is the falls but i havent been able to get a picture of them yet
5 So i got bored and decided to shave my leg( kind of cool huh) haha ( i actually shaved all of the other one the next day, kind of cold in the cold here)
6 Me eating ice cream in the freezing cold
7 The boat we made out of pizza hut boxes, we sent him down some little water falls right by our house in the pouring rain
8 another sweet pic of me and the riv
9 another pic of me and the cliff

Happy 4th of July

Wazz up wazz up wazz up. Happy 4th of Julio
Life has been going great here in Presidente Franco, but for some reason I am just down in the dumps today.

I aint really home sick, i have just been struggling a little bit with homesickness. Haha. But ya, my comp is always talking about home, so that doesnt help, plus it is the 4th of July so that doesnt help. You guys are all celebrating in the 90 degree Idaho weather, and i am here in the 0 degrees celcius humid paraguayan weather, so that doesnt help. Hahaha jk, but really it is pretty dang cold. I did buy some gloves and a sweater, so thanks for the mula mama. I spent all morning reading the condulances from grandpas funeral, so that definently doesnt help. Ughhhh I miss him so much.

But anyways, the past weeks here in Pres Franco have been good I guess. The freezing cold and the pounding rain really impeed the work though. O well. We are trying. We do have 3 people with fecha for the 16th of julio. They are all awesome, and i know they will get baptized. But, besides these three, we dont really have any investigators. We have been struggling with finding lately. Nobody wants to come out of their house in the freezing cold, but i guess it is always like this. I hope you guys enjoy ur 4th of July, what are ur plans??? We dont have cool plans at all. Just finish emailing, and then go buy groceries, and then chill at home. Wahoooo

Most o f the time, like 90 percent, we just eat in our house like potatoes and eggs and rice and bread and ramen noodles, pretty good, but it gets kind of boring. We did eat at pizza hut last week, that was pretty dang good. We went to centro (center of ciudad del este) last week, and bought some winter stuff. Centro is so crazy, there are just people everywhere and shops everywhere, they are all selling all kinds of stuff, and I bet mst of it is stolen stuff. But it was kind of fun bargaining with them. But usually they try to rip us off because we are a bunch of americans in a whiteshirt and tie. Hahahah it was pretty fun.

I am glad you guys are doing good, i am doing awesome too. I just miss home and america so much. But somehow i am going to find a way to celebrate today. We kind of celebrated today when we were walking to the cyber by throwing popits at dogs and stuff. Ok ok, i didnt but elder merrill was, he has a bunch of popits and those are our fireworks. So watching him throw popits at dogs was our firework show for the day. haha

Well sorry i am so boring, i am just out of it today, i am homesick, and cold and tired and have a sorethroat. Man, i am just a big ole complainer aint I. Haha well love you guys, and suerte con todo.

Con Amor de Presidente Franco
Elder Stewart
Ps more photos

1 me and the boat i made
2me and my pizza
3 me and my pizza again
5 us and our pizza hut. we each got our own pizza
4 us on a bridge at centro