Thursday, March 10, 2011

Go Aggies!

Hola Family
It was nice getting all of your letters and emails this week.
That is a good question, Who is Emily??????? Maybe if my best friend Ty, would write me some more, we would know. Me and elder Warner talk to eachother all the time, and we have no clue what is happening back home with our friends. Hahahaha. So if you didnt catch it, this is a hint that we would like to hear from our friends some. Hahaha. Jk, but really
But anyways, it has been another fabulous week at the MTC. Besides the food, that is killing me. Hahaha. But the MTC is going great. we only have 17 days left, crazy. The oldest district in our zone is supposed to leave on Monday, but they are going to Mexico, so of course they dont have their VISAS yet, so who knows what is up with that. But after they leave, we will be the oldest district. Wahoo for supremacy. I dont even know if that is a word, but it sounded good.
I wish there was more I could talk about in my emails but life here at the MTC is pretty much always the same. Same routine.................. It doesnt really get boring, but you know there is just nothing to really talk about.
Me and my companion have grown alot closer together. when we teach, we are doing awesome. This last TRC, (a TRC is just a weekly teaching session where we teach volunteers that come to the MTC, and each week we have a different thing we need to teach them). Like this last TRC, we were supposed to pretend like we were shopping at a store, and buying clothes ( this just helps with our vocabulary). And then we set up an apointment and later we were supposed to teach the 1st lesson. The investigators this week were suppossed to not believe in God. well, the other three companionships in our district got Investigators that believed in God. Haha, and of course with our luck, me and my companion got an atheist. And i am not going to lie, I loved it. It was for sure hard, and not like teaching a christian. But, it was awesome to be able to bring in the spirit and testify. I felt the spirit so strong, even though it was a fake lesson. But I was able to share with amanda, our fake investigator, some very spiritual and close things to me. I know that the spirit was testifying to her so strong that God exists and that God loves her. :) Man, I love the Gospel so much. There isn't one thing about it that makes me sad or unhappy. Last night in my prayer, I couldnt stop smiling and thanking God for this Gospel because I know it is true, and it makes me incredibly happy.
Lastly, i just want to say in the nicest way, How much i hate BYU. Hahahahhaha. But really. There is probably 80% of the missionaries here that went to BYU, and they get pretty annoying. It was music to my ears to hear that they lost, because it finally humbled these missionaries a little. Hahaha. But i get pretty sick of all the missionaries ganging up on me. It is always Jimmer this, and Jimmer that, and blah blah blah blah blah blah. haha. And i have got comments from kids saying, are you even allowed to serve a mission if you didnt go to BYU. Silly BYU fans that let their schools success in sports run their lives. And as much as I want to forget about some of these earthly things, haha, I cant. sports are sports, and i will always love them. But o well i guess. Once duke and USU do good in the tourny, compared to BYU, who lost their top rebounder, then we will see who will be laughing. hahaha jk. I just wanted to share that. Anyways, GO AGGIES.
well i gotta run, but i will write ya'll also
love you guys
-Elder Stewart
P.s. I dont hate BYU, I just wanted to share that.
P.S.S. I really really dont like BYU either
P.S.S.S Keep the dearelders and the sports updates coming. I love them

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