Friday, February 25, 2011

Is it time to go to Paraguay yet?

Hola mi familia.

I have 24 days until we leave for paraguay!!!!!!! Yay. We haven't heard anything on our visa's but we are not to worried about it. We recently got our blood checked for AIDS, in order to get into Paraguay, but I am pretty sure none of us have AIDS, so that is good.

The work here is great, and everything is in spanish. I have a stack of flash cards that I have memorized that is probably six inches thick, or around 500 words. Although that seems like alot of words, it really isn't, and I have a long way to go.

Being a district leader is pretty sweet, and I have alot of responsibilities, but as ya'll know, I love leadership and responsibility, but not in an evil way. I just appreciate it that my efforts and all my work, is being noticed. As a district leader, I get the mail, and it has been sweet, because I have gotten three packages in three days. I have enough junk food to last a while :)

Elder Zollinger, the Elder in our zone that has been here since November 17th, finally left to Mexico today. His doctors approved him last night and he left on a plane this morning. Crazy. It was hard to see such a good Elder leave, but I know he was ready to get out of here. All of us elders, are ready to get out of here. We are ready for Paraguay and Argentina.

Ya, so I see tons of people I know here. Just to name a few, Elder Brenan Robinson, Chris Boyce, Rusty Robinson, Cory Warner, Anthony McCabe, Andrew Allred, Aaron Johnson, and Austin Miller. Those are just the ones I see from my school. I also see Elder Josh Zamora, Nate Elmer, and Jared Campbell (both roommates). So it is so nice to see some familiar faces around.

Ya, some channel has been doing a special on Missionaries. I am guessing that is what Barb saw. I am in the choir here at the MTC, and they came and recorded us singing and stuff, but I am not sure if they showed that on the special. It sounds like Rigby Basketball is doing awesome. You should send me updates as much as possible. How did the girls team do in State?? I am also waiting for that sports update that dad has promised he for weeks hahahahahhahah.

All of my shots are finished, and I am not sick anymore. It is so nice to be able to focus on the work now. Everything in classes are awesome, we have an INCREDIBLE district, and through them the spirit can so easily dwell, and I learn so many things about the scripture etc.

I really dont think I need anything right now, I just have one question. Do I get a missionary plaque in our ward?? And if so, I want my scripture to be Alma 38: 14-15. This scripture talks about how humble we need to be, and we will be blessed from it. This scripture has been my FAVORITE for a couple of years, and it has so much meaning to me now.

Lastly, I just want to share an awesome spiritual experience I had this last week. So I was at choir with another elder from my district, we were on splits. The elder was elder gleason and he was our last district leader. So anyways, we were sitting in our places getting ready for the tuesday night devotional, where we were going to sing at, and we noticed that Elder Kearon of the seventy was speaking. Elder Kearon gave my favorite talk ever in the last General Conference Priesthood Meeting, about how Jesus Christ is our doctor, and we need to go to him to be saved, you guys should read it. But anyways Elder Gleason had an older brother that died on his mission in England, in a car accident, and Elder Kearon was the stake president over that stake where he died. So elder gleasons parents went over to england and met him. Anyways, after the devotional we were going back up to our room for district devotional overview, and elder gleason asked me if elder kearon was talking to people, I felt the spirit tell me that we better go and check. well to make a long story short, we went, and elder gleason talked to elder kearon for a while, and it was sooooo nice to hear a general authority tell us that we are going to be with our family forever, our grandpa, or our brother. ANYONE. We were late to our meeti8ng that i was supposed to conduct, but i am glad i got to expereince that, and now I know for a surety that we WILL be with our family forever, :) The spirit was so strong ghtat night and I spent that whole night crying when I was bearing my testimony because I was so happy.

The church is true everyone, and WE WILL BE TOGETHER FOREVER AS FAMILIES.

Love ya all

Elder Stewart

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