Monday, April 30, 2012


Well winter has finally arrived here in Paraguya, and it arrived a month earlier than it did last year. But it has been so cold lately, i am just so glad that i have some good winter stuff to protect me, so thanks for the head band grandma summers, and the sweater McCarthy family, they do alot in this cold weather. The problem is that it is so cold here because it is a humid cold, so although it might be like 50 degrees, it is freezing hahaha. So we have to sleep with alot of blankets and socks, and pajama pants and sweaters to stay warm in the night.

But the work here is going great. We have alot of great investigators including Walter who is still trying to find more work, and is struggling with his testimony because his catholic buddies are giving him crap. We have a young kid named Virgilio that is the most golden investigator in the world he is 19 and will get baptized the 19 of may, we just got to help him find his testimony, but he has real intent. WE have an investigator named luis nuñez that could get baptized here in a couple weeks but his wife doesnt want to get married, and he cant get baptized without getting married first. ASnd we have an investigator named fabian who is a baptist but is studying our church with real intent and he will get baptized here soon. So if you can pray for these guys, it would be truly apreciated.

So this week we were walking down the street late at night and we were close to a little dance place and when we got close we heard the music to happy birthday, and when we got closer i heard words i didnt recognize, and then after listening a little more closely, i realized they were singing in english hahaha it was pretty funny that i couldnt really recognize my own language, and it was funny that they were speaking english hahaha.

So also i dont know if you guys have heard, but here in paraguay in the Chaco, where it usually is really really dry, they are experiencing flooding, and here in Natalio 10 where it usually is konow for its wetness, it is pretty dry. So kind of funny huh. But it would be very appreciated if you could pray for the people in the chaco, they are experiencing some rough times right now.

So how is rigby? Anything new? How about rexburg, and idaho falls and Utah? Whats new? We got a mcdonalsds in rigby yet? haha jk

So everything is great here in natalio 10, just kind of cold but excited to keep working.

Love Elder Chase Coy Stewart

p.s. i would greatly apreciate if you guys could send me pictures through the mail or through the internet of everything that is happening with you guys thanks

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