Well just to let you guys know, changes came and past, and I finally stayed in the same area for more than one change. I stayed with my same comp elder Edwards. The zone leaders in the district stayed together, the other two elders in the district stayed together, and the sisters in the district were changed. One of the hermanas went to Encarnacion to open a new area, and the other hermana stayed to be a trainer.
Right now, the work is starting to go great. We will be baptizing this week, (my comps first baptism), and then after this we have 2 the next week, and then one the next week. So we are finally getting baptisms!!!!! We have a 9 year old girl named Violeta, whose mom and dad are members(inactive), and her uncles aunts and grandma are all active. She has her baptismal date for the 28th of octobre. So we are excited for that. We have a few more things to teach her and then baptize her this friday.
We have an Investigator named Daniel, that we found just clapping houses. He is incredible. He has come to church one time, but last week he had to work. He works every other sunday, but he said he is going to try to find new work, because he wants to come to church every week. But anyway, he is accepting everything we are teaching him, and he is excited to get baptized. The only problem that we are having with him, is that he is surrounded by influences from other churches. He is catholic, but doesnt like that church, nor believe its teachings, his neighbors and sister are from the Iglesia Pentacostal, La Iglesia de Belen. They are crazy and their teachings are weird. His sister is out working in the chaco right now, but she sends people to come to his house to teach him. They are there until like 1 in the morning. He got pretty mad when they told him that he couldnt have kids because he was too wicked. And also he has a neighbor from a church I have never heard of, called the Alimento para el alma. Or somehting like that. But he has crazy ideas about everything (taking the book revelations pretty seriously). So he is always there talking with Daniel, and plus there us is from the true church of Christ. Haha, it is kind of funny to see how hard satan is working with this guy, but it will all be ok, HE WILL GET BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We had 4 baptisms in the district this week, so that was awesome, and we have many more in the coming weeks. But everything else is just going fantastic right now. I love this area, I love this district, this mission, my comp, but there is one thing that I absolutely HATE
The heat and the humidity are killing me, talk about going to suffer. I aint lookin forward to this summer. Everyday I just get home just soaked. It is kind of gross, and not fun. But what can you do. I totally chose to come tto this mission before this life, so I knew what I was getting myself into. I love this mission, I love these people. But I dont love the hotness, and sweat, It will definently be a refreshing and saaadddd day when I leave the 115 degree weather of paraguay and return to the negative 20 degree weather of IDAHO
Well, I love you guys and I am looking forward to hearing from you guys again.
Stay sweet
Con Amor de Paraguay
Elder Chase Coy Stewart
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