Thursday, September 22, 2011


Hola familia. ¿Que tal?

Well, I know that I say it every single week, but I am loving my mission so much. This has definently been the hardest time of my mission so far, but it aint work if it is easy. This mission hardly is a proselyting mission. In my last three areas(wow i cant believe i have four areas already), but anyways, in the other areas, we never really had to clap houses. Maybe like one hour a week. But here in Ybate, it is alot different. We clap houses for atleast 2 hours each day. So that is fun and different. I used to be sooo scared of clapping houses, but now, I really enjoy it. I feel like I can really express myself now in spanish, so I like talking with everyone. (I only argue with some of them) hahaha. But it was hard getting here and having 0 investigators, but right now we are finding some really awesome investigators. So we will have some baptism here in a few weeks!!!

I just figured something out too, not only have been changing areas faster than none other, but also I figured out that everytime I have changed areas, I have replaced an Elder that went home. When i went to Presidente Franco, I replaced a Columbian that went home, in Barcequillo an american, and here, a mexican/ american. So ya just some random information for u guys.

Well anyways, to tell you about my new companion. His name is Elder Edwards from New Mexico. He is 23 years old. So even though I have alot more time in the mission than him, he is alot older. So we work good together because I can help him with spanish or things of the mission, and he can help me with his wisdom and intelligence. He is actually a convert to the church. He was baptized when he was 18 years old, and sadly, his parents kicked him out of the house when he got baptized. But he inherited his great grandmas house because he was the only grandkid that wasnt into drugs, and was doing something with his life. But before his mission, he got his bachelors degree in Mathematics. After his mission he has a job line up in Maine to be a High School Math teacher. (My dream job). He was going to get his masters degree in Math, but he didnt get accepted because of his social skills. So he decided a mission would be perfect. So yes, at times, it might be a little socially awkward, but the truth is that he is a stud, and has so much faith, and a strong strong testimony of the Gospel. He is here for the right reason, and is a hard worker. I am so excited to have the chance to work with a convert, because they always have the strongest testimonies. So although our spanish might be lacking a little, we have the spirit with us which is the most important part.

So the responsibilities are going good. I was totally scared out of my mind to teach district meeting this last tuesday. And it really didnt help when one of our zone leaders walked in with an assistant to the president. Ya they were doing splits, so i got to teach my first lesson with an assistent there. Pretty darn scary. But honestly, I love my district so much. They are all so awesome. I still feel over my head alot, having to translate for my companion, and talk for him at times, but it is a growing and a learning experience for both of us so that will be great.

This last saturday, we went and did service( for the worldwide church service thingy). But as a stake, we went to a school to clean, sand, and paint all the walls. They really dont have any discipline here, so there was literally grafiti all over the walls. It was sad, but we took care of it. So we did service from 7 in the morning til 12. But there was probably 30 or so missionaries, and 100 or so members. So it was pretty cool to work a little and talk with other missionaries.

Well i hope everything is going great there in los estados.

I would like to share with you guys 2 things that i learned this week

1. We went over to some members to share a scripture, and there was another member there, so we all shared a scripture. One thing one of the hermanas said was that "One day, God is going to ask us the same Question that he asked Cain ¿Where is your brother?" So really our job in this earth, isnt just to gain our personal salvation, but to bring our brothers too.

2. "When Jesus suffered, he was thinking about his brothers and sisters, not our sins." This really made me see the love he has for us to suffer for us, not just our sins.

Love ya guys

Elder Chase Coy Stewart

P.S. this week i have mastered learning how to pray in Guarani, so when ever i pray now, it is in Guarani!!!!!!!

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