Well I first want to apolagize for not emailing you guys yesterday, this week has literally been the craziest week of my life. And also I want to say happy late fathers day to the best dad in the world, and happy 21st birthday to one of the three most caring and sweet sisters in the world, and also happy birthday Grandma.
So sorry sorry I have a little explaining to do. So i am going to explain what happened in the last week, but I am going to start with right now and work backwards.
So right now, we are right by the mission offices in Asuncion writing emails. Before this, we had a sweet lunch at this one place, they are almost like burritos, but they have carne and pollo and tomatoes in them. They were freaking good. Before that, we were in the distribution center buying some stuff we need.
And before this we were in the Asuncion Paraguay temple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was sooooooo sweet. It was definently different, because everything is in castellano (spanish). But almost all the temple workers there are American old people that speak spanish. It was soo sick though. Usually as a mission we go to the temple like every 6 months, but I guess it has been like 8 or 9 months since they went last. And also, there were so many missionaries there. We did a session, and normally there is enough chairs for 38 people. We somehow managed to fit 8 woman and 60 men in there. But it was sweet none the less.
Before this we spent like 2 hoursa getting from the terminal to the temple. All of the buses were packed, and alos the office elders didnt plan very well. But we finally got to the Temple, only an hour or so late but it is ok.
Before that, we arrived at the bus terminal in Asuncion at 6 oclock this morning. Before that we were on a big huge choochy buses for 5 or 6 hours. Before that, we left Ciudad Del Este at one oclock to come to the temple. Before that we left Presidente Franco at 12:15 in the morning in a taxi so we could get the terminal by one. And before that we preached all of yesterday.
Well anyway, to make along story short. Last week after i emailed you guys, I found out that I was leaving Tres Bocas. But I didnt know where i was going. So i said some goodbyes and. Then on tuesday for district meeting, I found out that I was heading off to Prsidente Franco with Elder Hewitt. So that day I said goodbye to everyone, and all our converts, it was a saddd saddd day. But anyways on wednesday morning, i went to the terminal to make the long bus trip to Presidente Franco.
Just to let all of you guys know, Presidente Franco is the sweetest area in the mission. It is just south of Ciudad del Este which is the complete opposite side of the country as Asuncion. Every missionary and their dog wants to come to Ciudad del este. It is to legit to quit. My companion is Elder Hewitt from south Jordan. It is a stud. The only problem, is that he only has 3 changes leftm so he is kind of dying on me. He is a little trunky, but it is all ok. His companion before me, absolutely did nothing. They just sat at the house all day doing nothing. SO we have had alot of work to do lately.
But Presidente Franco is a ward, and we split the area and the ward with two other missionaries. So their is four of us in this area, and we live right next to eachother which is really really sweet. But anywaysthe other two elders are Elder Merrill our district leader, and Elder Palma from mexico. They are so sweet, and we spend alot of time hanging out.
But presidente franco is a very special area because of alot of things. It is half city half jungle. The city part is awesome, but the jungle part is alos awesome. We actually have two rivers in our area, and a giant waterfall, I havent took pictures yet, but it is soooo sick. Also we are right on the border of brazil, so when we are walking down this big old mountain at night to our pension, we can see the scyscrapers of Brazil. SO also, we have like alot of portugese in this area. So, I just want you all to know that I am doing awesome, I have an awesome area, and I am happy as ever. I hope that you are all doing great. Dont worry about me, I love you guys, and just know that I am chilling on the opposite side of Paraguay now, doing the Lords work!!!
Con Amor de Presidente FrancoElder Stewart
p.s the photos
1 me and my companion at the temple
2 me and my buddy fromn the mtc at the temple
3 giant moth
4 Family home evening in the jungle with a bunch of sweet little kids and the sound of the giant waterfalls in the back
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