Monday, May 9, 2011


Just another awesome day in Paraguay.
After two days of freezing cold weather, it was sooooo hot again yesterday. This weather here is more crazy than the Idaho weather. We also had another big rain storm last night, but we got inside before it really started.
But this week has been fantastic. We had 6 investigators in church, we were expecting alot more. But hey what can you do. But it was incredibly amazing being able to talk with my family this Mothers Day. You all sound and look so great. Also thanks for Elder Corn Dogs address I can finally write him. Haha. And also, I am sooo excited for Ty to enter the MTC and start the best experience of his life. And how cool is it that Garrett is going to Africa. Now we will have each of us four different friends in a different continent. Africa, Asia, North America, and South America. Pretty sweet.
So the day of the phone call, I was missing home pretty bad. Especially once I got off skype, I sat there and listened to my comp talk with his family for another hour ughhhh. He even started before me. But whatever, i wasnt myself but like dad told me, I need to use this as Motivation. And I did, but it was hard again on Sunday when we couldnt get people to come to church even though they said they would. But I always look forward to a good PDay and
I am hoping that I get some of your guys letters tomorrow, it has been like 7 weeks here in Paraguay without a letter from my Family. Silly mail system. And mom, I am sure I will get your package sometime in the next 5 weeks. Hahaha. But seriously.
I really dont know what to talk about since we just talked on saturday. But just to let you all know, I am wearing Elder McGarys tie right now. I dont care if it is super short. It is back to where it is supposed to be PARAGUAY.
Like I have said many times. The work here is awesome. Nobody rejects us here. We teach around 40 lessons every week and we had 21 baptismal invitations this previous week. We had around 20 investigators with a baptismal date before church, and because alot didnt come to church, alot of them fell (lost the baptismal date because they need to attend church 3 times.) But now we still have 10 with a baptismal date. We are having a wedding and a baptism this next week which will be awesome. We had 60 persons in church this week. Wahooo. I think to be a ward you need to have 60 attend church for a certain amount of weeks and have 15 priesthood holders. We finally had 60 people in sacrament meeting but we only have like 10 or so priesthood holders. So ya the work here is awesome.
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers and God bless you all. And let the work go forward in Paraguay, South Korea, Mexico City, and West Africa hahahaha
Con Amor De Paraguay
Elder Stewart

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