Monday, May 30, 2011

One of those weeks

Wazzzz uppp family.

Things here in Tres Bocas are going awesome like usual. The work is good, the church is true.

This week has been a mas o menos week. It has had its ups and downs. But o well. I will start off with the downs.

First off, I have had a cold all week. Ughhh...... And when I get a cold, it is bad. But I have plenty of medicine, and I aint doing too bad. I have just been pretty tired all week. Also, I had a stomache ache for most of the week. Vomiting and all that, that isnt fun. But i am better now. I just have this stinking cold. Also, we have about 2 weeks until changes, and my companion is convinced that he is going. But this is only his third change here, so I think that we both have an equal shot of going. Nobody knows, but we think atleast one of us will go. It isnt that I want to leave this area, the problem is that my comp thinks that he is going, so he is dead in this area. Or in other words, he has kind of stopped working. In the last 2 weeks we have found 6 new investigators, as opposed to 20 or so in the previous 2 weeks. Also we have 7 baptismal invitations in the last 2 weeks, as opposed to 31 in the previous 2 weeks. Or in other words, who ever has to stay this next change has alot of work to do to rebuild this area. Ughhhhh. I just wished that he had the same fire as when we were first together, and that even though one of us will probably go, he still cared for this area like he used to.

O well........

Now the good news!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lets see...... We had 2 more baptisms this week. And we are planning for 2 more this next week. But after this we dont have anything planned. O well. This last saturday we had the baptisms of Monsy, y Sintia, the little sistersw of our converts Ruben and Miguel. The sweet thing is that Ruben and Miguel baptized their little sisters. It was so cute and cool and spiritual too see. I know that Ruben and Miguel are going to stay active forever. They are the biggest studs ever. Also, we have 2 more baptisms this proximo sabado. We have the grandkid of a member, and a 21 year old boy. We are so excited, and after these two this saturday, that will make 13 new converts to the tres bocas branch. The Lord has blessed us soooo much. And whats great, is that because of this, because of the success the Lord has given us, the members now have an appreciation for us. The last couple days they have really commented on our work and our success. And now, they want to help us more. They want to activate the inactive, they want to give us names of their friends, they want to become a ward and not a branch. We are so close into becoming a ward. We only have to get a few more faithful priesthood holders. And our attendance is almost where it needs to be. This branch, really had the desire to grow into a ward. I am so greatful.

And it isnt my wish to make it look like I am bragging or prideful right now. I am just so greatful for the Lord and his help. Yesterday we learned about counting our blessings, and I just wanted you guys to know how much our Heavenly Father is blessing us. He is blessing us with success. He is blessing me with the language. He has already blessed me with the best family in the world. He has blessed me with a beyond humble selfless dad, who would give anything to see his children grow up in the gospel. A dad that has had uncountable trials and tribulations, but still goes forward in the faith with nothing stopping him. God has blessed me with a mom that has gave me life. Has given me a knowledge of the gospel and who I want to be. He has blessed me with the hardest working mom with the most tender love for her children and everyone. God has blessed me with three amazing beautiful sisters, with amazing attitudes towards life. With the singing voices of angels and all attributes of angels alos. God has blessed me with a older brother, who puts up with me. A hero in my eyes. A brother that has the strongest desire to have a happy and united family. A brother that is the rock and foundation of an already unbreakable family.

God has blessed me with the greatest grandpa ever. My Hero, my best friend, my buddy, my celestial brother. He has blessed me with the two most amazing grandmas ever. Grandma Summers, and Grandma Durfee. With their unbreakable love and kindness. I thank God every night for my wonderful family, my amazing grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins and all. I am so blessed.

God has blessed me with the 3 best friends in the world. One that is in Korea that has helped me to see my potential in life, the worth of my soul. One in the MTC, who is going to Mexico City, who has been the best friend ever. He has befriended me when there was no one there. He has listened to me and understood me when the troubles and tribulations and evils of the world were hitting me with all force. Another friend who is preparing to head off to Sierra Leone who is my tennis and hunting pal. He has been through it all, and I truly see him as a role model in my eyes. If only I could be as strong and good looking and incredible, and have a unbreakable testimony as he does. Then I would have it all.

These are the reasons that I am happy right now.

Con Amor De ParaguayElder Stewart

P.S: sorry i didnt answer your questions, i spent too much time talking about my blessings. But if i could ask for anything from moneteray, i just want pictures. And ya i dont really know what else. Maybe clam chowder. Or just more candy hahahaha

P:P:S picture

1 Me and monsy and Sintiapic

2 ruben and miguel with their sisterspic

3 all of uspic

4 us elders and some of our converts and members

Monday, May 23, 2011


Another great week in Paraguay. Like always. First off, what happened with the end of the world¿ Why didn´t it come? Hahaha. The people here in paraguay were going nuts and asking us "Is the world really going to end". It was funny we would be walking through the streets and someone would yell "MORMONES, Es verdad, el mundo va a terminar." Or in english, "is it the truth, is the world really going to end": But, it didnt and we are still here preaching and teaching.
This week has actually been really crazy. We have been running around all week to get things in order. We had zone conference this week, and then we did divisions, and i went to another elders area. We had baptismal interviews, we didnt have the wedding. We had two investigators that at one point say they wanted to get baptized, and then the next second they didnt want to, but then thgey finally decided to be baptized, and this saturday we baptized 3 people!!!!!!!!!!! Me and my comp are up to nine now here in tres bocas. And we have atleast 3 or 4 more in the next two weeks. The Lord is helping us soooooo much here. I love it and I am so so so greatful for him.
This last thursday we had zone conference. It was nice to be with other elders and enjoy ourselves a little. At the zone conference I received my package mom. Thanks so much for that. I am trying not to eat it all at once. Even though i ate the pringles and the m and ms the first couple days. Yummmm. My companion received his new shoes and also three huge boxes of candy. He has enough to last him the rest of his mission. Hahaha. But anyways, I also received a letter from Abby Face and two from Stephanie. The ones from stephanie were from April11th and 20th. I got them the same day kind of weird. O well. I sent a couple letters out to my friends this past week, but I am planning on sending alot more letters out June 1st when i get more money. Because right now, (hay taipori plata. ) Hay taipori pata means there is no money. Taipori means no in Guarani. So i am sorry that I am horrible at writing but i promise there will be letters sent out this coming week.
O ya by the way, i love the language here. It is so much fun with the castellano (spanish) mixed with the Guarani. I know a few little guarani words and it is a fun language: Hopefully I can learn more by the end. My goal is to be able to bear my testimony in three different languages for my home coming.
But anyways like I said earlier, we had three baptisms this past saturday. Elias who is 15 was baptized by my companion Elder Faas. Gisel who is 18, I baptized. And Rosana who is 21 was baptized by her novio (boyfriend) Sergio. It was tan purete (so awesome).
But the work here is still going awesome. We struggled with finding new investigators this week, but our goal for the next week is to find alot more news. The language is going better, step by step. Alot of people are telling me how much better I am, they said i was HORRIBLE at first but they can actually have a conversation with me now. We are almost half way done with our second change, and my comp thinks that he is going this change. And that i will stay. But we dont know yet. These next two changes we will be receiving around 45 new missionaries. HOLY COW that is alot. So there will be alot of new faces in the mission.
The food here is incredible. There is hardly anything I dont like ( besides this disgusting pumpkin drink YUKKK) We are fed very well here and i dont think that I am gaining or losing weight. Thew people here are really blunt and they always call me fat. I am pretty used to it now hahaha.
Love yall
Con amor de Paraguay
Elder Stewart (little)
1- US and our converts
2- Me and Gisel
3- Me and Gisel and Elias
4_Me and Rosana
5- Me cooking some tortillas and with my goofy smile
6- Our converts and their sister imitating my smile hahahah

Monday, May 16, 2011


Another great week here in Paraguay.
The weather has been really weird lately. Some days it has been really hot, other days really cold, and other days really rainy. Crazy haha. But this is paraguay for you.
This last week was a pretty good week. I am pretty glad that it is P day because I am ready for a nap. But for this next Saturday, we are planning on 3 or 4 baptisms. We arent sure about the 4th yet. But vamos a ver. Anyways, we have a pretty busy week this week. We have Zone conference on thursday. Por fin. And there i should hopefully receive the package. Ojala. And then we have a marriage on friday. A member boy (20 years old) is marrying his girlfriend. And then on saturday he is going to baptize her. And also on saturday we have the baptisms of Gisel and Elias. Gisel is 18 and Elias is 15. I actually found this family when I was doing divisions with a recent convert. They were ready to receive the gospel which is so awesome. Their mom is going to be baptized the 4th of June. She said she wants me to baptize her. I am excited for another baptism but the only problem, is this lady isnt the smallest. Hahaha. I am rude but I dont know how I am going to baptize this over 300 pound lady. Vamos a ver. hahaha otra vez. Well anyways I am excited for this week and my package hopefully. My companion is also expecting a few packages with shoes in them. He has ahd two pairs of shoes die while I have been with him. Right now he is borrowing some converts shoes. But we have both been praying for his new shoes to come this week.
So me and my companion think that one of us is going to leave this next change, but it is funny because we always fight because we both want to stay in this awesome area. But whatever happens, happens right. And plus we still have 4 weeks until the next change. It is crazy to think that I have been here in Paraguay for almost 2 months. In three days I will complete 4 months in my mission. It isnt that much time I know, but it has soared by. I dont know where time went.
This past District meeting I received letters from Garrett and From my family in Rigby. I dont know where all the other letters are, like grandma Summers. Hopefully I get them tomorrow. Anyways I am sending another batch of letters out tomorrow. So in a month you guys should receive them.
This week our numbers werent too high, but numbers arent important. All we know is that we had six investigadors in church, and that in the next three weeks, we are expecting atleast 7 baptisms. The Lord has helped us out soooo much here in Tres Bocas it is amazing. I dont want to leave this area, and these investigators, and these recent converts. But at the same time I kind of want a brand new start. It bugs me when the people (especially members) dont think I can understand them. It bugs me when the members make fun of me for not being able to understand, and therefor they dont even talk to me. Honestly i am just really shy. I can understand them for the most part, but I dont talk all that much because 1. My companion loves to talk and i never really get the oppurtunity to. 2. when i finally get the oppurtunity to talk, and I say something wrong my companions laughs and makes fun of me. 3. I have had instances in the past when I have spoken and the people cant understand me. So these are the reasons I dont speak that much. I dont want to say something wrong, I dont want the people to make fun of me. But i need to change and just forget about the people, forget about my companion and just open my mouth and change people lives with the Lords help :)
It sounds like sports are going great. Red sox and Heat are doing well I guess?????????????
But anyways, everything here is going great. Dont worry about me, and it sound like you are all doing awesome too. It is always nice to hear from you guys. Congratulations to Abby Face on her great year in track, and to the rest of you, I love the heck out of you and am praying for ya constantly.
Con Amor De Tres Bocas
Elder Stewart
P.s. When you get Elder Postons mailing address in The MTC, i would love it so i can send him a card. Gracias

Monday, May 9, 2011


Just another awesome day in Paraguay.
After two days of freezing cold weather, it was sooooo hot again yesterday. This weather here is more crazy than the Idaho weather. We also had another big rain storm last night, but we got inside before it really started.
But this week has been fantastic. We had 6 investigators in church, we were expecting alot more. But hey what can you do. But it was incredibly amazing being able to talk with my family this Mothers Day. You all sound and look so great. Also thanks for Elder Corn Dogs address I can finally write him. Haha. And also, I am sooo excited for Ty to enter the MTC and start the best experience of his life. And how cool is it that Garrett is going to Africa. Now we will have each of us four different friends in a different continent. Africa, Asia, North America, and South America. Pretty sweet.
So the day of the phone call, I was missing home pretty bad. Especially once I got off skype, I sat there and listened to my comp talk with his family for another hour ughhhh. He even started before me. But whatever, i wasnt myself but like dad told me, I need to use this as Motivation. And I did, but it was hard again on Sunday when we couldnt get people to come to church even though they said they would. But I always look forward to a good PDay and
I am hoping that I get some of your guys letters tomorrow, it has been like 7 weeks here in Paraguay without a letter from my Family. Silly mail system. And mom, I am sure I will get your package sometime in the next 5 weeks. Hahaha. But seriously.
I really dont know what to talk about since we just talked on saturday. But just to let you all know, I am wearing Elder McGarys tie right now. I dont care if it is super short. It is back to where it is supposed to be PARAGUAY.
Like I have said many times. The work here is awesome. Nobody rejects us here. We teach around 40 lessons every week and we had 21 baptismal invitations this previous week. We had around 20 investigators with a baptismal date before church, and because alot didnt come to church, alot of them fell (lost the baptismal date because they need to attend church 3 times.) But now we still have 10 with a baptismal date. We are having a wedding and a baptism this next week which will be awesome. We had 60 persons in church this week. Wahooo. I think to be a ward you need to have 60 attend church for a certain amount of weeks and have 15 priesthood holders. We finally had 60 people in sacrament meeting but we only have like 10 or so priesthood holders. So ya the work here is awesome.
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers and God bless you all. And let the work go forward in Paraguay, South Korea, Mexico City, and West Africa hahahaha
Con Amor De Paraguay
Elder Stewart

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mother's Day!

So howdy all yall.
This week has been super crazy with everything. We had our changes, and me and my companion stayed in this same area. So no changes here. But i have just been stressed with this cmothers day call. We arent aloud to skype on sunday so we need to do it like on saturday at like 11 o clock, or it would be like 7 or 8 oclock in the morning for you guys. Is that all right?
But anyways, the work here is still going super awesome. We had four baptisms this last week!!! I baptized Javier 17 and Edith 15, and my companion Elder Faas baptized Martha the mom, and silvano the grandkid of a member here. So in one change, we had six baptisms and we each had three individually. Before i came my companion had altogether one in his first area. So the work here is really going forward. And the lord is helping us tanto.
So i have a couple favors to ask of you guys. First, i need corys adress in Korea, and Tys adress in the MTC as soon as he gets it. Tambien, it would be sweet if i could get tys and corys email every week. I love reading them. And also it would be sweet if you could start forwarding my emails to one of my MTC teachers Hermano Heap. His email address is gregheap at Gracias
Now i will answer some questions.
I havent got any of your guys letters yet. I have got a letter from Cory and one postcard from stephanie. But besides this, that is all. I have gotten a couple of DearElders from ty so far, and I am so excited for him, but also I am so excited for Garrett, i was waiting all week to hear about his mission call, but i guess it hasnt came yet. Bummer haha. But i will beabl to talk to you guys more on saturday and monday. Wahoo
So hopefully i get your guys letters pretty soon. And the package yummmmm. Sorry that this email is really short but i had to figure the skype things out, and also email my president. But i am so excited to talk to all of you all on saturday.
Con amor de Paraguay
Elder Stewart