Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Elder Stewart LOVES Pictures!!!

¡¿¡¿Wow, one year in Paraguay already?!?!

Wow, time is flying by so fast, i honestly cant believe that i already have 14 months in the mish, and 1 year in paraguay, that is soooo crazy.

But everything is going good here. Me and my comp are getting along soooo well, the work is going better than it ever has, my obedience and diligence has skyrocketed, my knowledge for the scriptures are improving, my testimony is even more unbreakable then before, and yet at the same time, as Alma says, I am nothing, as for my strengths, I dont have any, but with the Lord I can do everything and I know this to be true, I am so thankful for the miracles, the tender mercies, and the blessing that the lord shows me every second of the day, he always has, but it has take me this long to finally recognize them.

I think it is finally fall here in Paraguay, not because the leafs are falling on the ground (here the leaves stay on the tree all year round), but because it is cold in the morning and the night, and the paraguayans are in their houses instead of playing volleyball or soccer, and if they are outside they have a sweater on hahaha, their fall here, is like our summer there haha. For me, it still seems really hot, but whatever

So the teaching is all going good, and this week, Nicholas recieved the Priesthood, he actually chose me to give it to him, kind of cool, it was a first for me.

This weekend we have a baptism of a little 8 year old girl named Diana Maciel, her parents are already members, sealed in the temple, so it isnt a convert baptism, but it is still cool. This family was inactive when i got here, but now they are coming to church every week, and actully the little girl wants me to baptize her, so that will be cool.

So the highlights of the week were noticing that here in paraguay, especially here in Natalio 10, that if people dont want to talk to you, they just hide, even when we see them and they still hide. We were walking to go talk to an old investigator, and my comp pointed to a pink house out in the distance, and told me, as soon as we get close to that house, everyone will run inside and close the doors and windows: well when we walked past, gusee what happened, Yep they all hid. HaHAHA, and when we passed again going home, the same thing happened, they even left their little baby in a chair, just to hide from us hahaha

Also, here they have a little circus thingy here, and when we walked past, a kid that was working there through up his had to wave at us and yelled ALOHA...... so i dont know where that came from, either he was saying hi to us in Hawaiian, or he yelled lemonade in guarani. haha who knows

Here in paraguay i am starting to get sick of how a religion is like a sport. Everyone has a religion and never is going to change, even if God tell them that they need to change. A drunk guy told us the other day, si, Dios es catolico, or in english, Ya God is Catholic,. Ya i am pretty sure not mr. drunk hahaha, it is sad to see the ignorance and apostasy here at work in paraguay. After telling us that god is catholic, he told us that he never will change his religion, and he will never change his football team, to them, religion is just a sport, and they dont see the importance really (like their salvation). But with the help of the Lord, we can change that. I LOVE THIS WORK

well love you guys and i am always praying for you, especially hailey after her accident, Curt for being sick (i aint sure if he is still sick, but i am praying for u uncle Curt), and stephanie that she can be able to handle herself when Elder Liddiard gets home in 8 days

Love Elder Chase Coy Stewart

p.s It is nice to write a little in english since i speak 100 percent spanish besides email, and hahaha, its nice to here spanish when most people speal guarani here. Here in church, in the talks, the people always say. please exscuse me elders, but i would like to talk in guarani ahahaha, i ove paraguay

3 Miracles, and 14 months completed

Dear Family

Wow, these week has been a long good week. The assitants to the president arrived here last Sunday night to work with us a Little here, they are awesome an helped our area out a ton.

So we started this week hoping to have one baptism, but that baptism didnt go through, he is faaaaarrrrr from ready to being baptized. But after a week full of miracles, we did have 3 baptisms, the Lord blessed us alot.

So we went to an investigators house on Monday, his name is Nicholas, and he has tons of assistances already from years ago, but we found his name in the area book, and decided to check it out. We went there on a Wednesday, and he accepted a baptismal date right off the bat, then on Sunday, him his wife and a daughter came to district conference with us. Then on Monday we started getting serious with him, telling him that his family are ready for baptism, and after a couple days, all five of them wanted to get baptized, and married. So on Thursday when we did the interviews, everything was going great until we had the interview of the mom, she passed the interview, but when she was asked if she wanted to be baptized and married this coming Saturday, she went a Little crazy, ok I lied she went totally crazy, she just ran away and wouldnt even talk to us.

It was actually kind of sad to see, but through the power of faith, prayer, fasting, priesthood, hope, and with the members, finally Saturday morning she agreed to being married, but she doesnt want to get baptized yet. So we had the wedding and the marriage. And it was a sweet experience because Nicholas was so ready to get baptized, it was just his wife that was impeeding him. He was even willing to be seperated from her in order to complete the lords commandments, and get baptized, but it all worked out good, and the lord blessed us with a tender mercie, a miracle, and 3 baptisms.

But besides the heat and sun that make you sweat and burn you, the bugs that are constantly in your ears and hair at about 6 o clock at night, and the dust that turns your clothes red, the work is going amazing here in Natalio 10, we will be baptizing every week.The work is going amazingly good, just dont have money because it all went to the travels to the temple and district meeting, and the wedding we had to pay for. So this week me and my comp will be learning the real meaning of sacrifice, as we eat rice, bread and water.

Hope all is well there, and I love you, and am always praying for u guys

Love Elder Chase Coy Stewart

p.s. sorry it is short, i did send like 40 pics, but next weeks will be better

Monday, March 12, 2012

Che añe´é imi guarani (I speak a little guarani)

Wow, I love this area! Hahaha, but we have been finding that lately, there are quite a few people here that dont speak a word of spanish, yep, just guarani. So i have been learning the language pretty fast, hahaha so a normal contact on the street with someone that dosent speak spanish, usually goes like this

Me- Hola como esta hermano, nosotros somos los misioneros aqui en Natalio 10 (hi how are you brother, we are the missionaries here in Natalio 10)

Them- blank stare

Me- Como se llama usted hermano (what is your name brother)

Them- more blank stare

Me- Mbae che nderera (what is your name(in guarani))

Them- cherera Pablo (I am paul)

Me - Mucho gusto cherera Elder Stewart (nice to meet you I am elder Stewart)

Them- giggle a little

Me- Hey hermano ndereñe´é castellano (hey my brother do you speak spanish)

Them- no

Me- Dí...... bueno ñande tupao esta alla, domingo..... a las 8 (darnet.... ok our church is over there, sunday at 8(as i hold up 8 fingers to show them the time)

Them- oima (ok)

Me- ja yo hay sha pe ve ( see you later)

Them- oime, ja jay to pata (ok goodbye)

hahahha, not to effective but what can you do. I am learning a little more every day. But it is still fun hahaha

Well busy week lately with not that much sleep. We are still pretty tired from the temple trip, and then on sunday we had district conference in encarnacion (here the have a district not a stake). But we woke up at 430 to go start getting investigators. We were blessed with 7 that came to district conference. But we left our church at 7 to start heading to encarnacion, then we arrived at 930 (we took a big bus with all the members here in Natalio, and the other pueblo in our area paloma there was 68 of us in total.) The conference was great, and it was great to here President Callan and his wife speak. Then we traveled the 2 and a half hours back.

The traveling AP´s (we have 2 normal ones and 2 traveling ones) got here last night at 8, they will be here working with us for a week, with their help we went from having maybe one baptism this weekend, to now having 5!!! We got alot of work to do, but we will do it.

Then today at 9 o clock president and his wife showed up at our pension to inspect it and see if it was clean. Suprisingly we passed with flying colors. But i am excited to work my tail off this week with these guys, we are going to have tons of success, and see tons of miracles.

The 3 best things about Natalio 10, are

1. getting mud, inches thick on the bottom of ur shoe, and flinging the mud at the chickens (there are tons here)
2.finding dead bay cockroaches in your ground beef u just barely bought
3. Walking through the jungle at 530 in the morning looking for investigators and hearing roosters all around you bugling as if you are in island park with the bull elk bugling

Ah, it feels like home

Love you guys

Elder Chase Coy Stewart

Traveling, and temple

Well it has been a great week family, alot of rain, alot of dust, alot of mud, alot of red, alot of mess, alot of heat, but alot of fun and blessings.The worki is going incredibl great, we are tearing this area up, we have baptisms planned for the next three weeks, so we are going to work alot with them, and get them baptized.

I recently found out that yes, Sabrina Calderon from Ybate was baptized it was sweet to know for sure. I love the gospel and the changes it brings into peopls hearts, and lives.This monday we had a normal day, and then at 6 o clock we got a a bus to go to encarnacion, we got there at 830 and waited until 1230 to leave for asuncion with our entire district. We got to asuncion at like 6 or so in the morning, and there we found all the missionaries from the zones outside of asuncion. It was great to see people that came with me, old district leaders, old zone leaders, old people from my district, and old companions. I got to see my daddy again, Elder Faas, and he is the still same old same old, and then I saw my step son Elder Edwards, he is the same too. hahahahha. But it was great fun. Then we went to the office where we waited for a while, there I got to see all my buddy office workers, literaly, i am super close to all of them, then we went to sign `papers and we went with alot of missionaries, including my son Elder Allphin, and his new comp, so i got to hear some updates on Ybate, and how the work is going there. Then we went to the temple. I love the temple, so nice and traquillo.

Then we bought some stuff from the distribution center, ate a little, then went back to the terminal where we bought some sweet ties for 2 dollars each one, i bought 3 but i now have six from this place. Then our bus left at 5 oclock in the afternoon, we got to encarnacion at 1130 at night, then we got on our other bust at 1230, and got home at 230, we went to bed at 300 and woke up at 630 to start a new bright awesome day. So im running on about 6 or so hours of sleep the last 2 nights, but i dont have strength, but thanks to the loving brother and father we have, I have all the strength in the world.Well, love you guys, everything is great here in the middle of nowhere with no human contact hahaha jkl

ove you guys

Elder Chase Coy Stewart